Monday, October 22, 2012

Debate 2012

 President Obama's said:"Hillary Clinton done a extraordinary job, but she works for me. I'm president.I'm always responsible and that's why no body  more interesting finding out exactly what happen that I do..."

我深深地被Obama's 这一段话给提醒。身为一名领袖,不管是国家,社会,部门或是个小团体。如何说话是你凝聚人们的力量;公平与有效的管理,是人们对你的信任;勇于负责任何后果,是决定人们对你追崇。

Whatever as a leader of country, society, department or team, speak and character is your force of cohesion people;  Fair and efficient management, uphold the people trust on you; Show up your responsible, let's them turn to your follower. 

1 comment:

H@n said...

This is wat i think about too, when i on the way get bck home just now. then u write it out, haha~~good